Explore the Chakras

Explore the Chakras

by Leslie McNabb

For the first decade of my practice, I wondered why after a yoga class I felt better not only physically, but emotionally and mentally too. And during class, why did I sometimes start crying in Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose) when it also felt good? Why did I feel more confident in Tadasana (Mountain Pose)? And how could I continue my yoga practice off the mat, even when I wasn’t in a place to practice asana? Was there more? The answer to these wonders was yes, there is so much more!

As an educator and student, I love knowing not only WHAT but WHY. What’s the science behind the results?

In my yoga teacher training, I started to learn about the chakra system (pronounced: CHALK-ra, not “shockra”). I had heard people refer to these “chakras” and had no clue what it meant. Originated in India, the chakra system was first mentioned in the Vedas, ancient sacred texts of spiritual knowledge dating from 1500 to 1000 BC. The 7 major chakras are spinning disks of energy that align with the spine and correspond to bundles of nerves and our major organs. I love when modern science confirms ancient wisdom.

I also love a system and a reference to turn to when I need something. Each one of these centers also has physical, emotional, and mental characteristics associated with it. It now made sense why my practices felt holistic more than just physical. When I needed more grounding, I could look at the recommendations for the Muladhara, the Root Chakra. When I needed to give a presentation, I could focus on opening Vishuda, the Throat Chakra! The chakra system is like a recipe book for wellness.

I learned that I could open or bring more protection to each of the 7 areas, both on and off the mat. I learned what a balanced, deficient or excessive chakra might feel like. Balancing strategies include their colors that make a beautiful rainbow, foods, plants, elements, movement, chants and more. They work together in harmony to help us move through our human and spiritual experience.

Now instead of just knowing I need a yoga practice, I can be more selective to choose which one will meet my current needs. Sometimes I need more grounding, others more heart-opening, or meditative. I feel more agency over my own well-being with the chakra system. Yoga has helped me feel more grounded, calm, confident and joyful. The rainbow of the chakras has been a beautiful guide.

Leslie will be teaching an Intro to the Chakras 8-week Series Monday nights, January 3 through February 21 from 6p to 7:30p