When we say “Earth,” we are not only referring to the planet. We are naming the most fundamental element of our physical selves, and of everything for that matter. When we commune with Earth like digging our hands into the dirt, we are touching the source of life — our life. How we take care of the Earth is how we take care of our own bodies. All of the elements are connected, and we are not separate, even if it seems like it. Earth is solid. Earth is mother. Earth is a goddess named Prithvi in Hindu. and she is the base from which life comes from. You don’t have to identify as a woman to appreciate the glory of Earth’s life giving force.
Earth energy is associated with the chakra at the base of the spine, known as the Muladhara chakra in Sanskrit. This energy center exists deep in our bodies grounding us to Mother Earth — our bones, muscles and tissues. When we are aware, we can feel the pulse of the earth, her energy and rawness. In this workshop, we will work with the root chakra, create flower bundles in our sacred space, and invite grounding experiences to preserve our connection to the Earth.
Let’s connect to the Earth element by way of:
intention setting and journaling
asana movement
restorative postures
grounding meditation
You will receive:
a mini journal
a flower bundle
an intentionally chosen crystal
Brittny Manos